Tuesday, April 10, 2012
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_/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/
_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/
_/_/_/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/_/_/_/
Satellite Relay Mainframe initiated.
V/X: align to port 444444:203929393939331
88 a8P 88888888888 8b d8 88 ,a8888a, ad88888ba
88 ,88' 88 Y8, ,8P ,d88 ,8P"' `"Y8, d8" "8b
88 ,88" 88 Y8, ,8P 888888 ,8P Y8, Y8a a8P
88,d88' 88aaaaa "8aa8" 888 88 88 88 "Y8aaa8P"
8888"88, 88""""" `88' 888 88 88 88 ,d8"""8b,
88P Y8b 88 88 88 `8b d8' d8" "8b
88 "88, 88 88 888 88 `8ba, ,ad8' Y8a a8P
88 Y8b 88888888888 88 888 88 "Y8888P" "Y88888P"
User Granted
Collider Orbital Relay Executive has found 5203942 connections.
Sequence 108 has been completed.
Targeting ground pattern: 5 mile radius
V/X: Damn you. DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS? HOW COULD YOU?? how could you destroy my parent's lifetime of work...their dreams
V/X: This can't be happening. I'm in a sealed heavy tube section. There is junk everywhere. I can hardly breathe from all of the burning and heat. Had you no hope for us?
<< [[]] ][2 ][_ ]][ ((5 ((5 : I'm sorry. There was no option. If they were to obtain the information you accessed at that terminal, if they were to obtain the memories and knowledge you had, they would gain an edge far too great to counter.
V/X: So you destroy everyone?
<< [[]] ][2 ][_ ]][ ((5 ((5 : You were going to be wiped out. Their numbers grew to around fifty thousand before the Heavy Particle Beam initiated. Grouping them all at once is almost an impossible task and it takes around four months to charge up the beam
V/X: You used us? You used us then. Why did you want me alive? Why didn't you tell us where you were going? WE WERE BAIT for your tactic? Was it worth it?! WAS IT WORTH KILLING THE LAST HUMANS ON THE PLANET?!
<< [[]] ][2 ][_ ]][ ((5 ((5 : There are others.
V/X: Others you'll use as bait.
<< [[]] ][2 ][_ ]][ ((5 ((5 : Would you rather have your group turn into those vicious beings then? Sacrifices need to be made for progress.
V/X: You should have killed me with them. You still haven't told me why you wanted me to escape.
<< [[]] ][2 ][_ ]][ ((5 ((5 : You are one of us.
V/X: No. I don't give up the lives of others easily like you do.
<< [[]] ][2 ][_ ]][ ((5 ((5 : Your strategies might be different, but our body signatures are alike.
V/X: I don't care anymore.
<< [[]] ][2 ][_ ]][ ((5 ((5 : You hold something within you that is special. You can use it to defeat the enemy.
V/X: No. I don't work like that. I belong in a group of fellow humans, working together to accomplish goals, protect each other. You hide, you run, that's not me. That's not how you rebuild humanity.
<< [[]] ][2 ][_ ]][ ((5 ((5 : The current living human count is around 50 billion. They have allowed for the Earth to turn into these ruins that we have to live in, for they live in their own world, closed off in an assumed Metropolis of a bubble...
Moreaux, you are not human.
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