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_/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/
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Satellite Relay Mainframe initiated.
V/X: align to port 444444:203929393939331
88 a8P 88888888888 8b d8 88 ,a8888a, ad88888ba
88 ,88' 88 Y8, ,8P ,d88 ,8P"' `"Y8, d8" "8b
88 ,88" 88 Y8, ,8P 888888 ,8P Y8, Y8a a8P
88,d88' 88aaaaa "8aa8" 888 88 88 88 "Y8aaa8P"
8888"88, 88""""" `88' 888 88 88 88 ,d8"""8b,
88P Y8b 88 88 88 `8b d8' d8" "8b
88 "88, 88 88 888 88 `8ba, ,ad8' Y8a a8P
88 Y8b 88888888888 88 888 88 "Y8888P" "Y88888P"
User Granted
Collider Orbital Relay Executive has found 5203942 connections.
Initiating Sequence 108...
Targeting ground pattern: 5 mile radius
V/X: is anyone there?
<< [[]] ][2 ][_ ]][ ((5 ((5 : Moreaux?
V/X: I assume you are one of the children that disappeared? I accessed the device you left behind.
<< [[]] ][2 ][_ ]][ ((5 ((5 : I was hoping you would. You must get out of your location. My satellite is picking up hundreds of walkers surrounding your area.
V/X: I cannot do that. I have to stand by and give my group support. We have handled them before.
<< [[]] ][2 ][_ ]][ ((5 ((5 : These readings are giving off the highest energy signals I have ever recorded. You must trust me and get out of your area. They have already entered the southwest pipes.
V/X: Hold on.
V/X: It can't be? How do you know of this? My men have sealed the door to the southwest pipes just now because they heard the scream of the Tainted taking over.
<< [[]] ][2 ][_ ]][ ((5 ((5 : My satellite is able to track down the enemy in real time. Follow this path, you must hurry. Move toward the x.
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V/X: I can't. I won't give up on my group that easily. Do you expect me to leav
<< [[]] ][2 ][_ ]][ ((5 ((5 : Moreaux?
<< [[]] ][2 ][_ ]][ ((5 ((5 : Moreaux? If you are reading this still... You must follow the path given. Each line is a level down. When crossing the middle pipes, move upwards. You'll see that the middle pipe is blocked leaving the bottom and top exposed. The bottom is rigged with explosives.
<< [[]] ][2 ][_ ]][ ((5 ((5 : There's one last thing I need to tell you. While we have been your stronghold, we set up explosives throughout the area. We set them to go off on a timed chain reaction sequence. When you started my device, you started the timer to our hacked Satellite armed with a Heavy Particle Beam Accelerator.
<< [[]] ][2 ][_ ]][ ((5 ((5 : We are sorry. The number of walkers was too great. Their elimination is our cause. We hope you understand.
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