Friday, February 24, 2012

Lost Language

Offline User:  Port 4194.34623634523 remains unreachable.  I've tried over a hundred times.  The program I developed failed to isolate the strange symbol that appears before everything goes awry.  I managed to scratch the symbol on the wall next to me with a rock.  

Offline User:  Who was that person?  If he has refuge, why haven't we been exposed to it?  Have we really been surviving for that long?  We've been exposed to the magma crystals, yet we are not Tainted.  Have we then evolved or are we a different form of the Tainted?  They are known to take our form...  

Offline User:  I have informed of my recent contact with the group.  I mentioned that there could be somewhere else where there is refuge.  I have never seen everyone's eyes look hopeful.  A lady that I recognized as one of the chefs started crying.  I didn't mention the parts where my conversation was cut off by the Tainted.  Everyone was smiling afterwards, giving me pats on the back, being formal and referring me as the leader instead of calling me Moreaux.  I didn't know how to feel.

Offline User:  My mother's database and lifelong works are stored in a metal box.  I went to the chamber safes to retrieve it.   As I unhinged the slightly rusted latches to the box, my body grew weaker.  Samuel the gatekeeper stood there motionless as I collapsed with the box as it tore me from within.

Offline User:  Mother, your work was extensive.  I didn't understand what you were doing before.  I didn't realize how precious those books I've played around with were.  I didn't realize how old they were.  You've kept them in a form that would outlast a lifetime.

Booting Cartridge 097234
Author: Françoise J. Moreaux
7023 092342 0291913 123415 1353354135 13511 1351551
9203914 :23421 23092341 134209235 083258101093 1095

                .-~~~~~~~~~-._       _.-~~~~~~~~~-.
            __.'              ~.   .~              `.__
          .'//                  \./                  \\`.
        .'//                     |                     \\`.
      .'// .-~"""""""~~~~-._     |     _,-~~~~"""""""~-. \\`.     
    .'//.-"                 `-.  |  .-'                 "-.\\`.
  .'//______.============-..   \ | /   ..-============.______\\`.

             Database of Lost Texts


Your query has found 452 matches.  Would you like to refine your search?

Search: Lost languages

Your query has found 402 matches.  Would you like to refine your search?


Offline User:  I guess it's a one on one with my mother.  That symbol must be in here somewhere...

Inkling of the Unknown

Offline User: I'm going to take the risk again.  The acquisition of the two children is enough to make me believe there are others.  I'm taking precautions.  Since the attack on my father's Knight's defense program, I have made a few alterations.  I need to isolate one of those symbols from the last port I found.  Here goes.



               /   '.

              /_.'-  \

                 /   | 



[Knight's Mare Relay Identifier: Activated]























M.W.M. Signature Authorized 

System start up has been delayed.
Checking for errors in command...

        _ (`-`) _
      /` '.\ /.' `\
       (_/\ " /\_)

Targeted Port: 4194.34623634523 
Port = Null

Targeted Port: 4194.34623634523 
Port = Null

Targeted Port: 4194.34623634523 
Port = Null
Port = Valid
Identifying as: ?????? 7

Initiating gateway proxy.

Opening Port 4194.34623634523 

Relay Response: OK [information relay unable to renew signal loop]

                   Accessing Mainframe e4 e5, d4 d5:

?????? 7

User: M. Asphodel                        GRANTED
User is ADVANCING Nf3 Nc6


                                         CODE GRANTED


M. Asphodel:  I am unable to extract the symbols I saw before on this relay.  I'll have to try again.

Unknown User: I don't believe it.

M. Asphodel: Another user?  Hello?  Who is this and how did you pick up this signal?

User: Administrator                      GRANTED 

Administrator: Asphodel, are you outside the barrier or are you a user within?

M. Asphodel: What do you mean and who are you?  How do I know I am not speaking with one of the Tainted?

Administrator: Tainted?  My name is Alastair.  This terminal has not been accessed since the construction of the Terranet.  How is it that you have access to this without being in the confines?

M. Asphodel:  What is the Terranet?  What confines are you speaking of?  My organization has battled the Tainted for decades.  We have lived within our ancestor's barriers.  

Administrator:  That's impossible.  Are you human?

M. Asphodel:  From the books I have read, I am quite human.  How is it impossible?

Administrator:  All that have been exposed to the Earth's fusion crystals have all fallen to it's disease.  Do you know the exact length of time that your organization has existed?

M. Asphodel: No.

Administrator:  If what you are saying is true, your organization is more than five hundred years old.  That is when the outbreak started.  

M. Asphodel:  How do you know this?  How can we reach you?    Where are you holding off the Tainted?

Administrator:  Asphodel, they have blocked this terminal for ages.  You need to reach coordinates 325.265234
Oh災no.  T災 k災ls 災wlsd災 災futile.

M. Asphodel:  C:\Override PROTOC

        _ (`-`) _
      /` '.\ /.' `\
       (_/\ " /\_)
PROTOCOL ASPHODEL has detected a malicious connection.  
Targeted Port: NO!
"NO!" is not a valid port.  Try again.
Targeted Port: No no no no nonon ono o no nononoosjdf;oawjf;lkfl;sdafjaswfe
Error.  Please enter a valid port.
Targeted Port: 

Friday, February 17, 2012


M. Asphodel:  I saw them through the glass. the medic team had cleared them, yet they were kept in the isolation room.  I did not feel comfortable introducing them to our organization like this.  I left the room I was in and went into their room.
"Hi my name is Daffodil Moreaux, everyone here calls me Moreaux," I said. They looked at me and then spoke to each other in a foreign language.  I knew ten languages, yet they spoke in a dialect I've never heard of.  It was beautiful sounding, lyrical.  I just stood there and smiled.  I was met with worried looks.  I told them that we were lucky to find them and that we welcome them to our group.  I left the room feeling defeated.
M. Asphodel:  I will look into our database of historical languages and see if any of them sound like the language they spoke in.


                   Accessing Mainframe e4 e6, d4 d5:
 ========== ========== ===       ===    =====    ==  ========   ====
 ===        ===        =====    ====  ==     ==  == ========== =====
 =======    =======    ====== ====== ===     ===    =======      ===
 =======    =======    === ===== === ===========     ========    ===
 ===        ===        ===  ===  === ===     ===       =======   ===
 ===        ========== ===   =   === ===     === == ==========   ===
 ===        ========== ===       === ===     === ==  ========  =======
User: M. Asphodel                        GRANTED
                                         CODE GRANTED
M. Asphodel:  The storm passed.  The group has been a little shaken up by the previous encounter.  We were screened and came out negative.  The two children were held for longer.  We are all glad that we didnt lose anyone.  Everyones attention and curiosity has been on the two children we aquired.  Could they have been living on the surface the entire time?  If so, where did they originate from?

M. Asphodel:  Our medic staff has kept them in the holding area, making sure that they are kept away from the rest of the group until we can clear their vital scan.
We were given a time limit to how long we could stay up on the surface.  It makes me believe that either our previous leaders we wrong, or those two children are different.  When I mentioned to the technicians at the weapons lab that the children had a device that apparently warded away and stopped an impending swarm of the Tainted, everyone in the room were shocked, but I sensed fear in their eyes.  What if this was a new strategy by the Tainted?  I am scheduled to speak with them shortly.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Acquisition: Survivor Count 108

User: M. Asphodel                        GRANTED
                                         CODE GRANTED
M. Asphodel:  I went up the ladders and hatches with the master key.  My stomach felt uneasy the entire time, yet I needed to go.  I needed to uphold my status among the group as the one who would hold up my father's ideals.  I dared not look down, and at times my crossbow felt as though it weighed more than it should.  I rested, holding one hand on the bar, ate, and then continued.  According to Georges, the lookout route was obstructed by a magma crystal near sector five, the area where there was only one way out in order to get back to the main route: Hatch 11.  Hatch 11 hasn't been used since my father's leadership.  My primitive radio device hissed due to the storm, yet I continued to keep it set to the main channel in the chance that Bruce, the one with the radio, had his on.  I then heard them, the clacking sounds of their sharp talons running around on metal.  I turned my radio off and continued.  The sweat from my palms seeped through the bandaging I had done prior to the mission, making it harder for me to grip, yet I knew the wrapping would be crucial for me when I'd reach the surface.  The hatch was hot and heavy, like always.  It requires five turns to the right and you basically plant your feet against the sides of the chute's walls and turn with both hands, ignoring the long drop.  You simply don't let go.  

M. Asphodel: Dust hit my face as I successfully opened the hatch.  It was hot and the ground produced waves of heat into the red sky.  The red sky is perpetual, hauntingly thick like blood, beautiful as I remembered it.  The horizon gets the color from the towering mountains of glowing magma crystals.  My father believed them to be the power source for the Tainted.  We are unaffected, yet our devices go haywire if we get near.  Alice is the only one in the group who has an innate shard.

M.Asphodel:  I had to be quick and precise in my movements.  I had to follow the assumed route that they most likely would have taken if Georges' reports were right.  Hatch 11 would be a mile away from the hatch I came out of.  Suddenly,  I heard screaming: human, a girl.  I went over to where I thought I heard it, yet I didn't see anything.  There was rubble everywhere.  I looked around and another voice echoed "Go!" It was Nathan's voice.  I yelled out to them and felt my blood run cold despite the heat of the surface.  The ground was rumbling.  It sounded like thousands of the Tainted were on their way.  Rachel was being held by Bruce, she had been injured.  I let them go first down the hatch, a girl and a boy, dirty and exhausted were with Alice.  I had begun my descent down the shaft, but I realized that the boy and the girl remained outside, setting up some sort of device.  I yelled at them to follow us, but they worked until the device started to signal flashes of light.  I closed the hatch as soon as they both climbed down, telling everyone to hold on tight against the rumbling of the Tainted's movements.  The boy and girl continued moving.  I waited, clenching the ladder bars, yet nothing happened.  

M.Asphodel:  This is Moreaux, we have obtained two new survivors.  They are incredibly resourceful, yet they look as if they are only ten or twelve years old.  Our medics are currently checking their vitals for any contamination.  Once again, please respond.  

Transmission Ended


User: M. Asphodel                        GRANTED
                                         CODE GRANTED
M. Asphodel: We have been delayed.  Three of the lookouts have gone missing.  We have been on constant search, but it isn't looking too well.  There are signs that a storm is over our location, yet there is no way of actually knowing unless we surface.  We have not surfaced in three months and that process requires heavy planning.  Surfacing requires a good reason, namely repairing the outer defenses.  In the event that we do not find our lookouts within our safety range, I personally will go up.  Their last route was near one of the hatches to the surface.  

Friday, February 3, 2012

From the Corners, We Fold Inwards.

                   Accessing Mainframe e4 e6, d4 d5:
 ========== ========== ===       ===    =====    ==  ========   ====
 ===        ===        =====    ====  ==     ==  == ========== =====
 =======    =======    ====== ====== ===     ===    =======      ===
 =======    =======    === ===== === ===========     ========    ===
 ===        ===        ===  ===  === ===     ===       =======   ===
 ===        ========== ===   =   === ===     === == ==========   ===
 ===        ========== ===       === ===     === ==  ========  =======
User: M. Asphodel                        GRANTED
                                         CODE GRANTED
M. Asphodel: I am endangering myself every time I send out these messages.  Today I wandered the fields of fungi, our food source.  There was nothing strange, nothing out of place.  I have begun to wonder when the next attack would come.  I see it in their eyes, they're all weary, wondering when they'll have to follow protocol.  Others have a face: guilty.  I have forgiven them for fleeing.  I don't blame them.  

M. Asphodel:  I began to translate the transmission that was received the last time I accessed the foreign terminal.  It was a hack, most likely from my father, most likely from my mother, most likely from the hive.  Our knowledge of the Tainted recognizes their talent in understanding advanced communication, yet never have we encountered them on an ancient form of communication.  The only terminal that has been confirmed to possess an integrity greater than 8.5 is coincidentally the first terminal I have accessed, FEMA:S1.  We believe that this station was built for emergency situations and possesses a higher degree of security than the other ports I have accessed.  I will continue to seek out different ports, yet stay connected to FEMA:S1 for as long as my group can manage.  I have already initiated security measures to blockade the unused tunnels that connect to here.  We are taking precautions, but hope to receive a signal from others in need of help.

Il ne faut pas exclure une éventuelle action militaire.
Transmission Ended

Signal received.

User:  C̨̙̮͓̝̲̯̦̈̏̎̋́͌͐̚͘ő̶̷̳̙̭ͤ̃̉̌̆̽͐͟ŕ̑҉̤̪͎̞͎̹̮̺̜ļ̨̛͈͇̀̐́̓ͯ̈́͒͗̇iͤ҉̞̠͕̜̙̲̠͚͝͠s͗̓̎͒̉͛̓͆͏̴̥̯̞̝͎s̺̦͇̥̤̟͇̐̂͘͟ͅ                                 GRANTED

Transmission Ended